Costs can vary widely, depending on your style and the level of finishing you are looking for. Good questions to ask yourself are - how big is my room? do I want high-end appliances? do I want hardwood or laminate? are mid-range tile, plumbing fixtures and lighting going to work for me?
Here are price ranges for common renovations based on projects we have recently completed -
Kitchen = $20,000. - $60,000.+
Bathrooms = $15,000. - $40,000.+
Flooring = $4. - $15. per square foot installed
Deck = $10,000. - $20,000.+ (depending on size, materials, and features)
New home construction costs can vary - again depending on the level of finishing you want, but a good rule of thumb for calculating potential costs is -
The Basics - $150. x total square feet
Mid-Range - $200. x total square feet
High-End - $325. x total square feet
So, if you want to build a 3000 square foot home and your tastes run mid-range, then you would be looking at a total budget of $600,000
Because most commercial projects have so many variables, there is no one reliable formula for pricing. Best to call for a detailed quote or agree to pay your contractor for time plus materials. Hourly rates range from $30. per hour for a general labourer to $95.+ per hour for a skilled carpenter or contractor - and then you pay the invoices for materials directly.
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